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Fertility Support

As a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner, I support individuals and couples as they navigate their preconception journey. Whether this means they're preparing their bodies for a natural conception in the season or year ahead, or they've been walking down the TTC (trying to conceive) path for many months or years and are exploring their options with Assisted Reproductive Technologies, like IUI (intrauterine insemination) or IVF (in vitro fertilization). There's a lot about reproductive health, fertility and conception that we're not always aware of before we decide to start a family. I'm here to share that information with you, clarify your questions, and optimize your chances of conceiving...I'm basically your fertility doula!


I've created two pathways to support you along your preconception journey:




PRECONCEPTION PLANNING â€‹(3-12 months prior to conceiving - or - TTC for < 6 months)


Did you know that the eggs we ovulate today have been developing for about 3 months? This means that optimizing our chances of conception means building robust fertility for (at least) a season beforehand. We often spend our entire reproductive lives trying to avoid conception and are not always prepared for the common challenges to conceiving with ease. Whether you're considering coming off of hormonal birth control soon (or have recently done so), or are looking to go into your preconception process fully informed, let's work together to create your preconception plan!​

  • learn how to optimize conception for your body

  • learn how to track signs of fertility

  • explore the benefits and limitations of blood tests to help rule out hormonal dysfunctions

  • uncover the essential micronutrients for robust male and female reproductive health

  • for those coming off of hormonal contraceptives, learn what to expect and how to reestablish vibrant endocrine health

  • explore the importance of male factor fertility

  • inform and normalize the process of TTC

  • integrate lifestyle factors to increase fertility


That was the BEST hour of my life! So informative and educational. Darcie is easy to talk to and so wise!


- R.B. Preconception Client

FERTILITY COUNSELING ​(for those TTC for 6+ months - or - Queer couples exploring IUI/IVF)


Infertility can be an isolating, frustrating and defeating experience. Utilizing reproductive technologies can also be very empowering. As a Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner, I meet you exactly where you are. I'm here to support your unique preconception journey and help inform, guide, explore root causes, ease symptoms, and - most importantly - listen. Together we will create a plan that feels best for you, whether you're 6 months in trying to conceive or already on the path of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. 

  • learn how to optimize conception and track signs of fertility

  • learn about your options for egg or sperm donation and what to expect as a gestational parent

  • support with interpreting blood, semen and/or diagnostic tests

  • information to determine which tests may be most beneficial to advocate for or discuss with your practitioner

  • map out possible options and next steps with IUI or IVF

  • emotional and informational support throughout the IUI or IVF process


Let's work together to support your preconception journey!

I currently live and work on unceded and occupied Gayogo̱hó:nǫʼ land, which was a part of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. I invite you to take a moment to reflect on whose land you are living and working on and if you don’t know, to research and reflect >> 


Photos by Autumn Layne PhotographyFausel Imagery 


©2021 Darcie Black


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