Decode Your Cycle
A 12 week program designed to build your confidence
in understanding your hormones to:
and competence
Interpret the language of your body and the messages it’s giving you
Implement holistic strategies to support hormonal health
Use a non-hormonal contraceptive method (even if you have wonky cycles)
Optimize your fertility now + in the future
Most of us have grown up fearing our own fertility - being taught to only trust synthetic hormones to protect against unwanted pregnancies, even at the expense of our bodies and our health.
But our hormones are our superpowers.
And for a lot of us, we’ve been battling with the side effects
or symptoms of hormonal imbalance for too long...

- have struggled to find a contraceptive method that works for you
- are dealing with the unpredictability of your period
- feel like you are a passenger to your hormones (and all of your best laid plans are shattered once a month)
- are in the in-between space not yet wanting to get pregnant but worried that you won't be able to once you begin trying
If you...
...I've got you!

Darcie is one of the most knowledgeable teachers I have ever had...Beyond being an expert on the fundamentals, Darcie also had a keen ability to meet me exactly where I was each lesson. She provided the space for endless questions and queries; I felt like I could ask any question and Darcie would have a thoughtful, knowledgeable, personalized answer for me.
- Alex T.
Darcie shared information in a way that was both digestible and fun to learn...Before I started working with Darcie I felt totally in the dark about what was happening in my body throughout my cycle. Every month it was a mystery when I would get my period and I would often be sent into a panic when I didn’t get it. Through working with Darcie I learned how to track my cycle and became aware that some of the irregularities in my cycle were abnormal and could be a sign of something more significant...Darcie helped me realize the warning signs of my PCOS and seek further medical testing.
- Isa W.

I initially wanted to learn how to track my cycle because I was experiencing so many hormonal mood swings... I now have a language for understanding and expressing what my body is doing, how I am feeling and why. Darcie is so wise, scientifically savvy and grounded. She is graceful with language around sensitive subjects and can deeply explain the hormonal, physical and psychological aspects of the whole menstrual cycle like no one else. Darcie makes me feel taken care of, safe and empowered in understanding my body....If you are considering working with Darcie---DO IT!
- Nicole C.
What is Decode Your Cycle?
It's the health class you wish you had in high school, mixed with straight-talk you’d only get from your best friend, all wrapped up in a hybrid 12 week course breaking things down to the basics so that we can dive in deep and see measurable results!

What we'll explore...
Module 1
Introduction + Cycle Awareness
Module 2
Anatomy + Physiology of the Reproductive Systems
Module 3
Energetics of the Menstrual Cycle
Module 4
Using the Justisse Fertility Awareness Method
Module 5
Parameters of the Menstrual Cycle
Module 6
Applying the Fertility Awareness Method for Contraception and Conception
Module 7
Comprehensive Exploration of Cervical Mucus
Module 8
The In's and Out's of Basal Body Temperature Tracking
Module 9
Hormonal Metabolism
Module 10
Strategic Nutritional Support
Module 11
Understanding PMS: Causes + Holistic Support
Module 12
Hormone Testing: When, Why + How

Sign up for the 2025 waitlist!
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m on birth control, is this the right course for me?If you’re thinking about making the switch off of hormonal contraceptives but aren’t quite ready to take the leap then, yes, this course is right for you! We will explore the basics of the hormonal cycle, ways to identify hormonal imbalance and pair them with real life strategies to support hormonal health (hint: these will be essential as you prepare your body to make the shift), and learn how to use a non-hormonal contraceptive method once you’re ready. If you haven’t come off of birth control by the end of the course, you can still benefit from 1:1 mentoring from Darcie to make a strategic plan to support your body in the 3-6 months before you stop using hormonal birth control.
My cycle is irregular and I don’t know how to predict when I’ll get my next period. Can I really track my cycle and use a non-hormonal contraceptive method?While missing periods and irregular cycles can make charting a little less straightforward, tracking your cycle can help you identify root causes, make strategic changes to optimize your hormonal health, and help you better understand your signs of fertility. As your mentor, I will be available for 1:1 support to help you interpret your charts every step of the way, and help you build confidence in understanding the language of your unique cycle so that you can feel good about using a non-hormonal contraceptive method.
I’ve been tracking my period with an app for a while now, is it worth joining Decode Your Cycle?Maybe! In this 12 week program I will teach you the in’s and out’s of the menstrual cycle, help you feel confident in using a standardized sympto-thermal Fertility Awareness Method to get clues about your hormonal health and in-real-time information about your fertility (rather than depending on an app). We'll also dive into topics like the energetics of the menstrual cycle + ways to live in sync with your cycle to harness your hormonal superpowers. And since you’ll have the opportunity to get individualized feedback through 1:1 support with me, no question will go unanswered!
How much of a time commitment is Decode Your Cycle?At the start of each week you will be able to access a new video lesson. Each module is unique, but most classes will range between 20-60 minutes. Some modules will include additional PDFs or (optional) quizzes. There is also a list of resources that include books, articles and podcasts to broaden your understanding of the topics. Additionally, there will be 3 live classes to ask me anything or go through live chart reviews, as well as a Slack community page where you can engage with other participants to discuss the content or connect with me directly to ask questions. And, of course, you’ll be implementing a fertility awareness method, which requires your daily tracking process (probably no more than 10-15 minutes per day). If there are weeks where you aren’t able to complete the modules, you can catch up during future weeks and the whole course will remain available for 8 more weeks so that you can go back and review the content.
How much does the Decode Your Cycle program cost?The total cost of the program is $347. This can be paid in full or broken up into 3 payments of $120. During the enrollment period you will also have the opportunity to sign up with a friend to save $50 (when paid in full). The cost of the program includes 12 weeks of content, 3 months free using the Read Your Body charting app, opportunities to connect directly with me to get your questions answered, and 50% off a future 1:1 virtual session once our program is complete (since you'll have access to me during the program).
If this course isn’t right for me? Do you have a refund policy?Yes, if by the end of the fourth week you feel like this course isn’t the right fit, you can request a refund of 75% of what you've paid (if paid in full, otherwise your payment plan will simply be cancelled). Just contact me directly and I will remove you from the coursework - no questions asked!