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Meet Darcie


Hey! I'm Darcie.

In the most basic sense, I am a student of life and the green ones. At the core of my work, I am an educator. I've spent the last 15 years studying holistic modalities of health, fertility, pregnancy, birth, and plant medicine. I am in awe of the innate knowledge, function and resiliency held within our bodies and I am deeply humbled by supporting and witnessing others access these innate elements within themselves!


As with any worthwhile exploration, the path I'm on today has had some twists and turns. Shortly after undergrad I began working in a special education classroom. Among many inspiring elements of self-contained programming, this classroom had a greenhouse and I took any opportunity to work with the students in this setting, learning about the growth process (both within myself and the plants) right alongside the kiddos. It was during this time that I began exploring my own studies of Western Herbalism, apprenticing at the HeartStone School of Earth Essentials. While I was only working within the public school realm for a little over 2 years, I continue to look back at that time as a formative experience. Towards the end of that chapter I knew that I wanted to continue my learning and follow an innate desire to pursue birth work. I took a leap of faith and told myself that I would give it 5 years and if it "didn't work out" I would go back to teaching. (Spoiler alert - I never returned)



I could probably sum up my entire life's work as "navigating the process of trust". This essential perspective was evident to me from the very first birth I witnessed on Thanksgiving day in 2013. This process of trust has continued to be woven into my work as a full-spectrum doula and the 100+ births I've supported since then. Simply put, I trust our bodies and I trust birth. I trust the process, the expansion, and the transformation that must happen in order for new life and new perspective to evolve. I also understand that this transformation process can be uncomfortable at times - and rightly so! We expand beyond our former selves to hold the space for new life.


These beliefs have guided me along my path as a doula and reproductive health educator. As someone who wants to see all of her options before making a choice, who wants to weigh the risks and benefits before moving forward, and who wants to feel heard - I have discovered such a deep passion for supporting individuals and families as they explore the vast array of choices available throughout their life cycles - including


contraception, pregnancy, birth + parenting. As a doula, I unconditionally support any type of birth and trust that when individuals have all of the options and resources available, they can make the best choice for themselves and their families. 

Darcie Black

While the path may have had some alternative routes (and roots), at the end of the day I am, simply put, a reproductive health educator. As someone who is constantly in awe of the human body and how it intersects with our culture, community and the realms of fertility, plant medicine, infant development, nourishment, and parenting processes, I have never stopped seeking information and I've continued my education in many forms along the way. Whether it's been weekend workshops, national or regional conferences, or formal education through a graduate practitioner program in Holistic Reproductive Health, I haven't strayed far from my foundation as a student, constantly seeking and learning. Additionally, my path has continued to revolve around creating space for community. Over the years I've worked with incredible individuals in our area to help establish and co-create a local professional doula mentorship collective, an herbal apothecary, a women's health collective, and a community-based reproductive justice doula nonprofit organization

Amidst and between the paths of education, birth work, and fertility counseling, I can be found with herbal and human allies along the trails of the Finger Lakes, at live music events, sharing meals with loved ones, gardening, thrifting, or traveling (and making plans for the next adventure) to explore new environments, food and cultures. I grew up on unceded Mohawk (Haudenosaunee) territory along the shores of Lake Champlain and have called Cayuga Lake home since 2006. I am a curator of cozy with a deep appreciation for baths, afternoon naps, and I'm an open book, so feel free to connect to learn more!

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Continued Education

Ithaca College (2010)
Bachelor of Science: Health Education
Minor: Integrative Health Studies


Heartstone School for Earth Essentials (2012)
Herbal Apprenticeship & Certificate


Acumassage Therapy Center (2013)
Acupressure Certificate (Pregnancy, Labor & Postpartum)


Doula Trainings International (2014)

Doula Certification


​Placenta Benefits (2015)

Placenta Encapsulation Training

​Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine​ (2017)

Integrative Approaches to the Male + Female Reproductive Systems​


Conversations in Community (2018)

The Fifth Vital Sign - Reproductive Justice Facilitator Training


Justisse College International (2020)

Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner

Fertility Awareness Educator Certification


Molly Dutton-Kenny, CPM (2021)

Full Spectrum Pregnancy Loss Training

Professional Membership


Justisse Practitioners 


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Association of

Fertility Awareness Professionals


Society for Menstrual Cycle Research


United Plant Savers

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Ithaca Doula Collective

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